PUT Data
Api-docs for RC: https://api-rc.quinyx.com/v2/docs (select “tags” definition)
Api-docs: https://api.quinyx.com/v2/docs (select “tags” definition)
Base URL can be found on links above for both environments. The remainder of this article should be considered a complement to the above Open API documentation.
This API call updates existing tags with provided values.
Field description
Mandatory fields will be marked with a * icon.
- groupId*: The group ID of the unit you want to edit the tag information for.
- tagId: The ID of the tag you wish to update.
- name: The name of the tag.
- code: The tag code of the tag.
- externalId: The external ID of the tag.
- information: The information paragraph of the tag.
- uniqueScheduling: Boolean showing whether shifts associated with this tag can overlap.True = Shifts associated with this tag cannot overlap.
False = Shifts associated with this tag can overlap. - startDate: The start date of the tag.
- endDate: The end date of the tag.
- periods: A list of periods associated with the tag.
- from: The start date of the period.
- to: The end date of the period.
- hours: The amount of hours the tag will be available during the period.
- type: The counting type where the tag will be available (Per day, per week, per period).
- count: The amount previously set hours should me multiplied by.
- coordinates: A list of coordinates associated with the tag.
- latitude: The latitude of the coordinates.
- longitude: The longitude of the coordinates.
- name: The name of the coordinates.
- radius: The radius set for the coordinates.
- customFields: A list of custom fields associated with the tag.
- label: The label of the custom field.
- value: The value set for the custom field.
- groupId: The group ID under which the tag exists.
- id: The tag ID of the tag you fetched information.
- tagCategoryId: The tag category ID of the associated tag category.
- name: The name of the tag.
- code: The tag code of the tag.
- externalId: The external ID of the tag.
- information: The information paragraph of the tag.
- uniqueScheduling: Boolean showing whether shifts associated with this tag can overlap.True = Shifts associated with this tag cannot overlap.
False = Shifts associated with this tag can overlap. - startDate: The start date of the tag.
- endDate: The end date of the tag.
- periods: A list of periods associated with the tag.
- from: The start date of the period.
- to: The end date of the period.
- hours: The amount of hours the tag will be available during the period.
- type: The counting type where the tag will be available (Per day, per week, per period).
- count: The amount previously set hours should me multiplied by.
- coordinates: A list of coordinates associated with the tag.
- latitude: The latitude of the coordinates.
- longitude: The longitude of the coordinates.
- name: The name of the coordinates.
- radius: The radius set for the coordinates.
- customFields: A list of custom fields associated with the tag.
- label: The label of the custom field.
- value: The value set for the custom field.
- groupId: The group ID under which the tag exists.
- id: The tag ID of the tag you fetched information.
- tagCategoryId: The tag category ID of the associated tag category.
For the RC environment: https://api-rc.quinyx.com/v2/tags/external/groups/123/tags/321
"name": "exampleTagName",
"code": "exampleTagCode",
"externalId": "exampleExternalId",
"information": "",
"uniqueScheduling": true,
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"endDate": "2024-12-31",
"periods": [
"from": "2022-01-01",
"to": "2022-01-31",
"hours": 8,
"type": "DAYS",
"count": 1
"coordinates": [
"latitude": 59.334591,
"longitude": 18.06324,
"name": "exampleCoordinatesName",
"radius": 100
"customFields": [
"label": "exampleLabelName",
"value": "+46123456789"
"groupId": 12345,
"id": 67890,
"tagCategoryId": 54321
"name": "exampleTagName",
"code": "exampleTagCode",
"externalId": "exampleExternalId",
"information": "",
"uniqueScheduling": true,
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"endDate": "2024-12-31",
"periods": [
"from": "2022-01-01",
"to": "2022-01-31",
"hours": 8,
"type": "DAYS",
"count": 1
"coordinates": [
"latitude": 59.334591,
"longitude": 18.06324,
"name": "exampleCoordinatesName",
"radius": 100
"customFields": [
"label": "exampleLabelName",
"value": "+46123456789"
"groupId": 12345,
"id": 67890,
"tagCategoryId": 54321