Labor configuration rounding options FAQ

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Q: What rounding methods are available?

A: There are four rounding methods you can choose from:

  • Up: Rounds headcount values up to the next whole number.
  • Nearest: Rounds headcount values to the nearest whole number, with decimal values of .5 being rounded up.
  • Down: Rounds headcount values down to the previous whole number.
  • No Rounding: Displays headcount values with two decimal places without rounding.
Q: How does "Nearest" rounding work?

A: When "Nearest" rounding is selected, headcount values are rounded to the closest whole number. If the decimal value ends in .5, it will automatically be rounded up to the next integer. Decimal values ending with .5 will always be rounded up when Nearest is selected.

Q: What is the "No Rounding" option?

A: The "No Rounding" option allows headcount data to be displayed with decimal values up to two decimal places. This is different than the other three options, which only allow headcount numbers to be rounded up, down, or to the nearest whole number.

Q: When should I use "No Rounding"?

A: Use "No Rounding" in situations where headcount values need to be used in external or custom calculations, and precision is critical. By avoiding rounding, these calculations can remain as accurate as possible, providing closer-to-reality results. However, keep in mind that this might result in headcount values that are harder to compare directly to scheduled headcounts, which are typically whole numbers. Therefore, unless precision is necessary for external calculations, it is often more practical to use one of the other rounding options to simplify comparisons.

Read more about additional rounding options for Labor configurations here.

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