Mobile app permissions FAQ

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Q: What phone services does the Quinyx mobile app request access to?
  • iOS may require permissions for:
    • FaceID
    • Location (including background location)
    • Photo library
    • Camera
    • Microphone
    • Notifications
  • Android may require permissions for:
    • Camera
    • Location (including background location)
    • Microphone
    • Running foreground services
    • Controlling vibration
    • Controlling NFC
    • Running at startup
    • Full network access
    • Viewing network connections
    • Preventing phone from sleeping
    • Notifications
    • Receiving data from the internet
Q: When does the mobile app request these permissions?

Permissions are generally requested the first time a user tries to access a feature. For instance, on iOS, notification permission is typically requested at first login. Quinyx only requests camera permission when a user wants to take a photo. If the user wants to upload an existing photo, Quinyx requests access to the photo library instead without asking for camera permission.

Users can choose not to grant these permissions, but this may prevent them from using certain features, such as uploading a profile photo or receiving notifications.
Q: Does the app ask for permissions even if the features aren't used?

No, users who never open a feature (e.g., the camera) will not be prompted to grant access to that service. Permissions are only requested when needed.

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