Version 0203

Updated by Victor Jespersen

Release date January 22nd, 2025

Release summary

Short on time and want a high-level summary?

Quinyx web app Version 0203

New functionality

  • This new addition to our Quicker bulk actions in the Schedule view now allows you to quickly edit the date for multiple shifts at once.
  • Similar to the previous release, we are now introducing a new feature that allows managers to add comments when handling Shift booking requests.

New functionality requiring configuration updates

  • In the coming mobile version 3.42, planned for February, we've implemented support for a new login flow we call "Company alias" and “Employee ID.”
  • With the coming release we are expanding the login flow with two new options. Firstly we are introducing a Company alias that is a shorthand alias representing the tenant/account.

Updates and performance improvements

  • In the coming mobile version 3.42, planned for February, we are updating the absence request function in the mobile apps. With this update, if you as a user don’t have a valid agreement during the dates you try to create an absence, no absence reasons should be visible, and the user can't send an absence request.

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

Frontline Portal Version 0203

New functionality

  • It is now possible to hide engagement statistics for stories, preventing users from seeing which of their colleagues have completed/viewed a story and how often.
  • In this release, we introduced the ability to reshare the audience of a parent folder to all subfolders.

Updates and performance improvements

  • None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • None at this time.

SOAP API / Webservice updates

  • Check out the updates and links to documentation here.

Important announcements

Scheduled Maintenance on January 28th, 2025

Dear valued Customer,

Please be informed that maintenance will take place as the team will upgrade our database system for Workforce Management.

European Customers

The scheduled maintenance will take place on January 28, 2025, at 21:00 Central European Time (CET).

North American Customers

The scheduled maintenance will take place on January 28, 2025, at 3 am Eastern Standard Time (EST).

During the scheduled maintenance, we anticipate limited disruption but:

  • it will result in a brief downtime of the Quinyx service for up to 30 minutes
  • we will temporarily suspend all incoming traffic to the database during the upgrade window

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this upgrade, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance our systems and provide you with the best possible service.

Best regards,

Quinyx Team

Release highlights

To help you get the most out of this release, we've created a few highlight videos showcasing key updates and new features. 🎉

Quinyx web app Version 0203

Release date January 22nd, 2025

New functionality

Edit date on multiple shifts in the Schedule view

This new addition to our Quicker bulk actions in the Schedule view now allows you to quickly edit the date for multiple shifts at once. Selecting multiple shifts, now you can update their dates simultaneously and confirm the changes in a single action. This will improve scheduling efficiency and reduce time spent on the planning process.

Manager comments on Shift booking requests

Similar to the previous release, we are now introducing a new feature that allows managers to add comments when handling Shift booking requests.

What’s New: Managers can now leave a comment in the Notifications panel of the Manager portal before approving or denying a Shift booking request. This feature enhances transparency by providing employees with clear explanations for manager decisions, particularly when a Shift booking is denied.

  • The comment will be visible to employees in the Qmail they receive.
  • Managers can also view these comments in the Shift booking audit logs for future reference.

Looking Ahead: In upcoming releases, we’ll expand this functionality to include Shift unassignment requests as well.

New functionality requiring configuration updates

Coming: Support for logging in to the mobile app with Company alias and EmployeeID

In the coming mobile version 3.42, planned for February, we've implemented support for a new login flow we call "Company alias" and “Employee ID.” This makes it possible for our customers who can't use our regular supported usernames to have their users use a Company alias that points them toward the right customer in our system and then log in with an internal employee ID that could be a badge number.

Nothing changes for users who work in organizations that don't use Company aliases and employee IDs - they will still log in with their regular username as always.

The login flow for customers that use company alias and employeeID is the following:

  • Step 1: In the “username or company alias” field, the user provides a “global alias” with a unique tenant ID.
  • Step 2: In the next step, the user provides the employee ID or username. This and the following pages can also show a logotype of the customer's choice as a part of the login flow.
  • Step 3: The user chooses which provider to use (password or SSO).
  • Step 4: The user provides a password and gets logged in.
Log in with Employee ID and Company alias

With the coming release we are expanding the login flow with two new options. Firstly we are introducing a Company alias that is a shorthand alias representing the tenant/account. This is set by Quinyx and you might reach out to us via a Support request to activate it.

You can use it in the url: like

Next step is to enter a user id (Login ID, Email or Employee ID)

The step after is to enter the password as usual and you are logged in as usual.

If any of the login details are wrong you will get a generic error message as usually (Due to security policies)

What is Employee ID? 

Employee ID is the external name for badge number. If you as a customer wants your users to be able to use their internal employee number to login you can update the user information by storing the employee id in the Badge number field (20 Characters maximum). 

Badge number/employee id is not unique across accounts/customers you need to state a Company alias via the url first to be able to log in.

Company Alias

A company alias is a shorthand identifier unique for the specific account in Quinyx. Quinyx sets it in the account/domain level in our Back office tool. It can be 50 characters long, and as it is used in the url, it should not contain any special characters.

Updates and performance improvements

Coming: mobile - restricting users from creating invalid absence requests in periods they don't have an active agreement

In the coming mobile version 3.42, planned for February, we are updating the absence request function in the mobile apps. With this update, if you as a user don’t have a valid agreement during the dates you try to create an absence, no absence reasons should be visible, and the user can't send an absence request. The absence request process and what absence reasons you can select are controlled by whether you have an active agreement during the dates you apply for absence. If you have an agreement template connected to your agreement, only the absence types allowed for you in the template will be visible. With this new restriction, we've changed the order of the fields in the request a new absence page so that the users choose the from and to date (and time) first so that we can decide if there is an active agreement during that time period.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue with the absence handling logic for the following payroll files:

Visma Lønn KST kampanj,

Visma Lønn KST avdeling,

Visma Lønn postfix KST avdeling,

Visma Lønn KST avdeling Tag.

This means that Unapproved absences or absence requests will no longer be included in the output files. Only approved absences will be reflected in the payroll data (as should’ve been the case). This correction ensures accurate data in payroll file outputs, removing any potential confusion caused by unapproved or pending absences. We recommend reviewing your internal processes to align with this updated logic. If you need any further assistance, contact our support team.

New Quinyx HelpDocs content

Frontline Portal Version 0203

Release date January 22nd, 2025

New functionality

Hide engagement statistics for stories (AIO only)

It is now possible to hide engagement statistics for stories, preventing users from seeing which of their colleagues have completed/viewed a story and how often.

Toggle on the new Hide engagement statistics setting under Account settings > Frontline Portal settings.

This is a tenant-wide setting and will apply to all users.

Engagement statistics are hidden to a lesser/greater extent depending on a user’s FLP role permissions, found under Account settings > Access rights > Role management.

Manager users i.e. with the Distribute FLP role management permission:

  • Audience field visible.
  • View engagement stats button hidden.
  • Readership and engagement audience breakdown hidden.
  • Readership and engagement running total visible e.g. Unique opens: 1 Total opens: 1.

Employee users i.e. without the 'Distribute’ FLP role management permission:

  • Audience field hidden.
  • View engagement stats button hidden.
  • Readership and engagement audience breakdown hidden.
  • Readership and engagement running total hidden.
Reconnect subfolders

In the last release we introduced a new icon to flag when a folder is no longer sharing its audience with all subfolders. The icon is displayed on the parent folder card and, when hovered over, reads Audience not shared to all subfolders.

In this release, we introduced the ability to reshare the audience of a parent folder to all subfolders. This will enable you to reconnect subfolders that have been shared with custom audiences, bringing them back in line with the parent folder.

Click the Reconnect subfolders button.

You will be prompted to confirm your selection by clicking Confirm.

Private subfolders are exempt, and their audience will remain unchanged.

Updates and performance improvements

  • None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • None at this time.

New Frontline Portal HelpDocs content

  • None at this time.

SOAP API / Web service updates

We have released our all new REST API calls related to our tag functionalities. You can click here to find all articles related to tags.

Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. You can find even more web services info here.
We encourage all of our customers to make use of our APIs to maintain data and to make sure that information is up-to-date. To ensure the scalability of our APIs while growing our customer and user base, we've decided to add restrictions on the usage of our SOAP APIs. These restrictions will be enforced programmatically, which means we will enforce a limit on concurrent calls per customer to 10. You should expect response code 429 if you happen to exceed this limit, and you are recommended to implement a backoff retry mechanism to handle the limit. Note that the limit applies to SOAP only. When moving from SOAP to Rest over the coming years, any limits will be built into the API. 

Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.

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