Time Trackers

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

This article relates to Classic.

Time Tracker is a function for keeping track of hours and minutes or days. This can be used for tracking vacation balances, time off in lieu or flextime, for example. Employees can monitor their balances in the time card and the app.

For Time Trackers to be calculated correctly over a longer period, it is necessary to extract a live payroll file at least every 60 days. This is done by unchecking Preliminary under Transfer to payroll. 

Create a Time Tracker

You create your Time Tracker under the tab Settings  - Tables - Time Trackers.

  • Click Add.
  • Abbreviation - Enter an abbreviation
  • Name  - Give your Time Tracker a descriptive name
  • Periodized  - Check whether Time Trackers are to be accrued per year and have a unique balance every year. For example, if employees can save up to 5 holiday days 5 years, Quinyx may calculate different balances per year.
  • Each year starts on - select a date if Time Trackers are to be accrued.
  • Standard deduction order: Select how calculation is to take place if Time Trackers are periodized. We support several different ways of deducting days/hours from a periodized Time Tracker. This setting controls the year from which negative transactions (e.g. taking holiday) will be deducted:
    • None (deduct from current year) -This is the default option, and as described days/hours will be deducted from the same periodised year as that in which the transaction was created.
    • Most recent year first - This option will deduct days from the oldest year with a balance higher than zero.
    • Current year first, then the oldest - This will take days from the current year first, then apply the same order as the option above, the oldest year with a balance higher than zero.
  • Maximum accrual per year - For positive transactions with the operator Add, except for manual adjustments, limit the sum of qualifying per periodized year to the specified total. Zero means unlimited. 
  • Days/Hours - Select whether days or hours are to be counted. For example, a flextime bank is often added in hours while vacation may be calculated in days.
  • Decimals to display - How many decimals are to be displayed
  • Total start date - Enter a date if you want it to start counting from a certain date. If you do not enter a date, it will start counting from the first transaction for the employee.
  • Show on time card - Decide whether the TT is to be displayed on the time card. If you choose to display it, it will also appear on the employee's time card. If it is not shown on the time card, it can be seen in various reports.
  • Balance as of- Decide whether the balance is to be shown on the  Actual date on which the transaction takes place, or whether you want to view an accumulated balance based on a certain date – next occurrence of. For example, you can set next occurrence of the end of the year for holiday – this includes approved holiday in the future in the balance and is a better reflection of how many holiday days are remaining.
  • Minimum value, Maximum value - You can set Min and Max values  to display a warning for the Time Tracker when any of these values has been reached. Note that setting a minimum and maximum value merely provides a warning when the value is exceeded, it does nor stop the time tracker from calculating. The warning is displayed in the System Information pod. 
  • Type of Time Tracker - Select Normal Time Tracker regardless of type. (Only select holiday if there is a holiday calculation factor in the agreement template)

System information.

When you have created your Time Tracker, you must decide what salary types will trigger it. This is done in the relevant agreement template, under the Salary types tab.  Open the salarytype for which you want a Time Tracker's calculation. Select whether it should increase or decrease. You can also choose whether it should calculate 1:1 or in some other way.

Repeat this for all pay types to be calculated, both positive and negative. You should then see a transaction in the Time Tracker as soon as the salary type is used.

Time Trackers menu

In this view, you can see all Time Trackers without having to open individual time cards. You can filter on date, staff, section, etc. You can manually adjust Time Tracker balances and also extract an Excel report.

When selecting a time period in this view, the balance will be calculated based on the current locked balance + the transactions of any unlocked time cards in the chosen time period.

In order to ensure you see the same balance as you do in the time card, we suggest that you ensure any previous months are locked using a definitive transfer to payroll as well as selecting a time period which include at least 60 days back in time.

Update Time Tracker balance manually

You can update a Time Tracker balance manually. Go to the tab Time/Time Trackers.

  • Choose the Employee
  • Select Time Tracker
  • Select a date when the transaction is to be registered
  • Enter the quantity for the transaction. If it is a negative value, enter it using a minus symbol, e.g. -2.5. For example, if you have a time off in lieu balance that is to go from 20 hours to 15, type -5.
  • Click Save

Time Trackers - Agreement templates

Time Trackers are created under Settings and tables, and may be different balances, e.g. holiday, flexitime or time off in lieu.

It is possible in the agreement template to define rules on how the current balance is calculated, where relevant. You can link value adjusters (other than salary types) and factor level indicators in agreement templates under the Time Trackers tab.

Note that for Time Trackers to work correctly, transactions more than 60 days old must be transferred to payroll.

Click the Add button to open Change link to Time Tracker.

Name - Enter a name for your association. The name is displayed for created transactions under Time Trackers.

Select Time Tracker and value adjuster.

Accrual Driver

The accrual driver determines  how/when the time tracker is to be adjusted.

  • One year after every increasing salary-based transaction - Adjusted on every anniversary of each increasing salary type-based (configured under Tables → Salary types) transaction. Can be used, for example, to "even out" the effect of a salary-based transaction and hence it is possible to create a temporary (at exactly one year) increase of the Time Tracker balance.
  • One year after every decreasing salary-based transaction - Works like One year after every increasing salary-based transaction, but adjusts on decreasing salary type-based transactions instead of increasing ones.
  • First day of each  periodised tracking year - Means that this will occur on the first day of every year, such as 1 January or 1 April, depending on the settings under Tables → Time Trackers.
  • Punched hours - The value of the Time Tracker is increased at the end of every day by the same number of hours for which the employee was clocked on.
  • Each day the agreement has been active - The value of the Time Tracker is increased for every day that the agreement is active (valid)
  • Days with punched - The value of the Time Tracker is increased for every day that the employee has worked (i.e. has punched in /out).
  • Years since start of employment- The value of the Time Tracker is increased for every anniversary of the employment date (once a year)
  • Days scheduled to work (historically) - The value of the Time Tracker is increased for every day that the employee was scheduled to work
  • Years since birth (age)- The value of the Time Tracker is increased every birthday
  • Every month after specified date in agreement start year - This is adjusted every month on a specified day of the month, but in the agreement's start year with the month specified. (Moreover, like all other value adjusters, it is not adjusted on a date before the agreement's start date or after the agreement's end date)
  • Each month after the employment date - This is adjusted every month on the date of employment
  • Each vacation leave day - Can determine which day numbers during leave are to influence the Time Tracker value.  It is possible to set whether Saturdays should reduce the Time Tracker value, regardless of whether or not shifts take place on a Saturday. However, you can also select which days are not to reduce the Time Tracker value, regardless of whether or not shifts take place on a Saturday.
  • Each year after specified date of the agreement  start year -Adjusted every year on a specific monthly date. (Moreover, like all other value adjusters, it is not adjusted on a date before the agreement's start date or after the agreement's end date)
  • Years since  start of employment

Every Time Tracker may have multiple value adjusters.

  • Apply if main agreement only - If this is checked, the association will be ignored if it does not belong to the agreement template used for the present main agreement.
  • Include all employee data - Include all data for the employee, regardless of agreement. For example, can create transactions within the entire employment period instead of just during the agreement period, i.e. includes all of the employee's shifts and punches in the calculation instead of just the ones belonging to the agreement in question.
  • Operator - Choose between Add and Set to new value. When Set to new value is used, created transactions will set (overwrite) the balance for the Time Tracker to the value from the adjustment factor instead of adding it to the balance. In addition, a Carry over up to value can be set which allows an up to value to be set for the balance.
  • Factor level regulator
    • Year since start of employment - e.g. the adjustment factor may be changed from 0.5 to 1 after the employee has been employed for 3 years, and from 1 to 2 after the employee has been employed for 5 years
    • Age (in years) - Works as above, but with the difference that the adjustment factor will be adjusted on the basis of the age of the employee instead of the employment length
    • Accumulated value of chosen value adjuster

    It is possible to define an accrual factor that determines the extent by which the Time Tracker balance should increase or decrease. E.g. if the value adjuster "Every day the agreement has been active" is selected, an adjustment factor of 0.5 can be set, which means that the Time Tracker balance will increase by 0.5 for every day on which the agreement is active.
    The accrual factor may also be dynamic, i.e. increase or decrease on specified occasions on the basis of other factors.
    The table indicates which factor is to be applied for different levels of the value for the selected factor level indicator, based on various threshold values. Note that there must always be at least one level, and that that level must have a threshold value of zero. This level will be applied until the next threshold is reached. The adjustment factor may be either a numerical value or a blank field. A blank field is interpreted as creating a transaction.
  • Multiply adjustment factor by value from value adjuster -The value for a day from a value adjuster (e.g. 8 for a day if you have worked 8 hours and have selected the value adjuster Hours clocked on every day) is a factor for generating a transaction. This is included by default (checkbox checked). The factor will be excluded if you uncheck the checkbox. (Note that the value from the factor level table is always used, but it can be set to 1 if you want it to be "excluded". Employment level can be included by using the existing checkbox)
  • Create transactions at thresholds only -With this option checked, a transaction will only be created every time a threshold is passed. All other future transactions will be ignored before it is applied – every threshold will only be used once, i.e. for one transaction.
  • Multiply accrual factor by employment level - select whether the factor is to be multiplied by employment level
  • Multiply accrual factor by average nominal hours per day - if the accrual factor is to be multiplied by the average nominal hours for the employee. Average nominal hours is calculated from the employee’s full-time work hours divided by working days per week.

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