Frontline Portal - Create a new task

Updated by Daniel Sjögren

Getting started

Click on the + icon in the header to begin.

Choose Task.

Find out more about Templates.

You will be asked to give your task a name. You can change this later if needed.


You will then be taken to the Create Task screen. You can adjust the name of your task further here and then begin to include all of the key information.

Enter a task description. Use this to explain the task in more detail. 

You can format your description including the ability to:

  • Various formatting options (incl. text size, text color)
  • Add links
  • Insert images
  • Embed videos (from .mp4 file or from YouTube)


Add attachments to support your task.

You can add most types of files here but if you add images, files, or multi-page PDF files then the recipients will be able to view these files within the task without needing to download them

Task options

Due Date: When does the task need to be completed?

When you apply a Due Date to a task, it triggers its automatic expiry of the task so that it is hidden from stores 30 days after the due date. The task remains in the same Collection but is hidden by default; it can be exposed by selecting the ‘expired' toggle in the filters section. Adding a due date to tasks helps to keep dashboards clean and relevant to recipients.

Approvers: See below

Uploads: If you would like the task recipients to upload photos or files when they complete this task then check this box. They won't be able to complete the task until they upload something! 

You might like to add Approvers here too if you want their uploads to be subject to a review and approval process.

Priority: Does this task need to be flagged as a high priority?

Category & Size: Add the Category and Size of the task to help guide recipients.

Send out Date: You can set a future Publish date for the task if you don't want to send your task immediately. 

Send out repeat: You can set your task as recurring if you want it to repeat.

If you choose a future time/date to send out your task then you will find this task in the 'Scheduled' section of your Dashboard until it has been sent. Find out more about Scheduled Dates.


Choose who the task should be sent to:

You can select your audience by stores (individual, collections of stores or all), specific people, role type, specific groups, group types, or from already saved audiences. If you don't add an audience, the task will be saved to your drafts.

  • Stores/Group type: Use the search function or navigate through your hierarchy. If sending a task to a store or a group (a group may include a region or district) anyone within that store or group will be able to pick up and complete the task. If you only have 1 user account in each store then we would recommend sending to Stores instead of People. The task will automatically be assigned to the store account. 
  • Specific people: Selecting using this method allows you to search through your organisation for specific individuals and add only those people to your audience.
If sending to a group, a user from that group can forward the task to stores or groups below them in the hierarchy.
For more information regarding recipient types/audiences click here.


If you would like task submissions to be approved by yourself or someone else (or multiple approvers).

If you're selecting approvers you must also set 'Uploads Required' (see Task Options above) to on. If not then there will be nothing for the approvers to approve!

  • You can choose yourself when selecting the approver of a task.
  • You can also click on + icon to add approvers that you need to approve task submissions.
Approvers can only sign off task submissions which are have been submitted by stores/groups in their 'branch' of the hierarchy. E.g. If Global HQ sends tasks to all global stores, they can select all of the country managers as approvers here and the system will route the submissions to the correct country managers, but only the US country manager will be asked to approve the New York store.

You can assign anyone below you in the hierarchy (or the same level) to be an approver. Once all approvers are selected, you can change the order of approval or choose to adjust the Approval Type:

  • Chain: All selected approvers will have to approve submissions, in the selected order.
  • Group: Only one of the selected approvers needs to approve the task. Any of the approvers can approve task submissions.

Adding Questions to a Task


Once all necessary attributes of the task are completed, then click on Send Now in the bottom toolbar to send the task to its assignees.

Your draft tasks and all of their contents are auto-saved as you compose them. You can come back to drafts at any time. Find out more about managing Drafts.
Depending on your access level you may only be able to 'Submit' a task. Tasks that you submit will be made available to task 'Editors' who will be able to review and send them to recipients. You can revisit these submissions in your Drafts section.
 If you think you might need to send similar tasks in the future you can save your work as a Template. Find out more about Templates.

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