Version 389
Release date December 2, 2020
Upcoming release dates
To ensure the best possible support for our customers for releases to RC and Production over the Christmas and New Year's holidays, we've made the following changes to the release calendar:
- Core-391/Neo-98 release to RC moved from December 24 to December 21, 2020
- Core-391/Neo-98 release to Production moved from December 30 to December 29, 2020
- Core-392/Neo-99 release to RC from January 7 to January 4, 2021
- Core-392/Neo-99 release to Production untouched and stays as planned January 13, 2021
New functionality
Check out new functionality in Neo here!
Updates and performance improvements
Minus time on last day of period
Minus time is now generated on the last day of the selected period instead of the last day in the period containing a punch. This will allow for minus time to be generated within the correct period regardless of the period selected within transfer to payroll matches the period of the minus time calculation.
In Classic, a virtual shift will "hold" the generated minus time:

In Neo, it will be visible on the Time card in the Salary type overview:

It's also reflected in the statistics related to salary cost for the day it is generated on (last day of period). It will not be shown in the TTP view, but will, of course, be transferred to payroll and visible in all reports done from analytics.
Performance improvements
- General performance improvements within processing of salary types.
- General performance improvements within generation of payroll files.
Bug fixes
- Correction to Employees missing in Payroll Report using “Only approved time punches”.
API / Web service updates
The following SOAP API endpoints will be discontinued and removed from Quinyx WFM mid January 2021 (planned for 2021-01-13)
- 7.3 wsdlGetUserDefinedFields
- 7.4 wsdlUpdateUserDefinedFields
- 7.5 wsdlGetUserDefinedFieldValues
- 7.6 wsdlUpdateUserDefinedValues
- 7.7 wsdlGetUserDefinedShifts
- 7.8 wsdlUpdateUserDefinedShifts
- 5.2 wsdlUpdateCrmCustomers
- 5.4 wsdlUpdateCrmRoles
- 5.5 wsdlUpdateCrmOrders
- 5.6 wsdlGetCrmDecisions
The following SOAP API endpoints will be discontinued and removed from Quinyx WFM August 2021.They are already now replaced with REST API endpoints for Neo Forecast. Read more about Neo Forecast and the improved functionality here and about the new REST APIs here.
- 6.2 wsdlGetForecasts
- 6.3 wsdlUpdateForecasts
- 6.6 wsdlUpdateForecastV2
- 6.8 wsdlUpdateForecastsV3
- 6.4 wsdlGetSalesData
- 6.9 wsdlGetSalesDataV2
- 6.7 wsdlGetOptimalStaffing